People do still copy blogs
This happens when a website owner learns a few ways of avoiding Google penalties. It also happens when a blog master is looking for traffic from links over traffic from search engines. These sorts of people will often hide their activities too with programs such as “HideMyAss.” This makes it harder for blog master to take action about the plagiarism without taking legal action. If the blog master is also looking for traffic from links instead of search engine traffic, then it is also more difficult to take revenge via anti-SEO on their site.
State that your content is protected by Copyscape
Copyscape is a company that offers a very good plagiarism detection service. Their prices are also very reasonable. There is nothing stopping you from adding their “Protected by Copyscape” icon onto some of your web pages. Even if your website is not protected by the site, the people at Copyscape do not mind you using the icon because it is good publicity for them.
The typical content thief may avoid copying your content for the simple fact that they think they will be identified a lot earlier. Many content thieves are counting on the fact that you will not run routine plagiarism checks on your content, and will therefore never take any sort of retribution.
Note a copyright notice at the bottom of each page
You see this on the bottom of a lot of modern websites. It is a small notice in small letters with the copyright symbol and a date next to it. Even if you have not used a copyrighting service, you still own the copyright and so are still legally able to add this notice to the bottom of your webpage.
Protect yourself with a copyright service
Make no mistake, the second that you create any written content, then you own the copyright. People use copyright services to help back them up if things start to get legal. All a copyright service does is act as a third party witness to your copyright. You log the content with them and then if things get legal then the courts may admit your submission to the copyright service as evidence in your favor. If you do not use a copyright service then you still own the rights to your written content, it is still yours and you still have every legal right to defend it. A copyright service simply helps you prove your point.
Add the date that it was uploaded
It is sometimes difficult to prove when your content was uploaded to your website without a court order to the server owner/hosting company. However, few people actually know this. When they see a piece of text saying the date that it was uploaded, they seem to think that it offers more copyright protection than it actually does.
The fact is that if you are the genuine owner of the copyright, then it does not matter when you upload the content. It does not even matter if the thief uploads it first (in Google’s eyes and the laws eyes). But, you can exploit the fact that other people do not know this and scare off a few thieves by adding the date that it was uploaded to your blog post.
Try CopySentry with Copyscape
This is a service that runs routine plagiarism checks on your specified web pages. It is a good way of being alerted as to when your content has been copied. If you notice when content has been copied, then you may start proceedings to have it removed from the other web domains. You may have to get legal to do this, but if the content was uploaded on another person’s blog as a guest post, or uploaded onto a legitimate article website, then they will often remove your content from the first time you make contact to say that it is copied material.
Also, do not forget that some people are victims themselves, as a writer may have copied your blog post and sold it to someone else as if it were their own.
Author bio:
The article is written by Sonia J. She writes guest posts for different sites and helps students with JavaScript assignment.
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